Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians

The “cycle of violence” is continuing in the holy land, in a phrase that inappropriately conveys similarity.

Last week, the Israel Defense Forces went after a terrorist cell in Jenin which was planning attacks against Israelis. The gun battle resulted in nine dead Palestinians, seven of them terrorists.

Hours later, a Palestinian Arab shot and killed seven innocent Jews coming out of synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath. The terrorist was killed. The following day a 13-year old Palestinian shot and injured a father and son walking on the streets of Jerusalem on the Sabbath. The perpetrator was taken into custody.

There is no moral equivalence between the actions of Palestinians attacking innocent Jews and Israel defending its citizens. There is no equivalence of intent which is lost in the phrase “cycle of violence.”

While Israel has created a multi-ethnic democracy which has tried to live in peace with its neighbors, Palestinians continue to demand a purely Arab and Islamic region, ethnically cleansed of Jews.

Related articles:

Pray for a Lack of “Proportionately” in Numbers. There will never be an Equivalence of Intent.

The Shrapnel of Intent

Excerpt of Hamas Charter to Share with Your Elected Officials

The United States Should NOT be a Neutral Mediator in the Arab-Israel Conflict

This Day In Palestinians Resorting To Violence History: December 23 (Rabbi Teaching Torah To Spanish Speakers)

This Day in Palestinians Resorting To Violence History: November 22 (Bus Riders)

9 thoughts on “Israelis Targeting Terrorists, Palestinians Targeting Civilians

  1. Pingback: Moral Clarity From Biden Administration About Attacks in Israel | FirstOneThrough

  2. Pacifism is the denial of the right of self-defense. Pacifists claim to oppose all violence. They deliberately obscure the distinction between aggressive and defensive violence, but they end up condemning only defensive violence.

    In any conflict, pacifist sympathies are invariably with the aggressors. In their narratives, they go from treating the violence of both sides as equivalent to labelling defenders as aggressors and visa versa. The pacifist stance ranges from neutrality to advocates of aggressors.


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